SKYCable brings SKYLife Dance Revolution for Kadayawan 2016
In lieu of the weeklong celebration of Kadayawan Festival in Davao City, Davaoenos are invited to watch the “SKYLife Dance Revolution,” a local dance contest to be held on August 17 from 4 pm to 6 pm, live from the NCCC Mall Activity Center. This will be aired on SKY Community Channel 54. Davao City’s best dance groups are expected converge in competing for the said Kadayawan Festival 2016 SKYLife Dance Revolution coveted Grand Champion title. The audience are sure to witness Davao’s unique, ground-thumping and breathtaking moves to add fun and entertainment during the Kadayawan Festival. Meanwhile, SKYcable and Destiny Cable digital subscribers can feel the vibe of Davao’s Kadayawan Festival, the city’s annual thanksgiving celebration for good harvest, wealth of culture, and peaceful living, right in the comforts of their homes as SKY will once again provide exclusive full coverage of the festivities from August 19 to 21 via the Kadayawan […]