Nippon Paint: Brings Innovative Coating Solutions to the Philippines
Lately, Nippon Paint (Caotings) is making rounds around the Philippines to launch its new coating solutions. After its successful launch in Manila to mark its entry into the Philippines architectural coatings segment, it is now developing an expansion of its innovative coating solutions to Davao City. They acknowledge the fact that Davao is fast growing making its construction and real estate industries to be flourishing in this booming city. “We are definitely looking forward to be part of this exciting growth through our extensive range of coating solutions,” said Gladys Goh, Group General Manager of Nippon Paint Malaysia Group. Now, Davaoeños will enjoy innovative coating solutions of unparalleled quality, together with a colour palette that runs into the thousands” she added. Nippon Paint’s coating expertise dates back 133 years and today, it is Asia’s leading coatings manufacturer – operating 56 manufacturing facilities in 15 countries throughout Asia, with employee strength […]